
Feb 13, 2023 04:42 AM
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21000 App Store无法读取你提供的JSON数据21002 收据数据不符合格式21003 收据无法被验证21004 你提供的共享密钥和账户的共享密钥不一致21005 收据服务器当前不可用21006 收据是有效的,但订阅服务已经过期。当收到这个信息时,解码后的收据信息也包含在返回内容中21007 收据信息是测试用(sandbox),但却被发送到产品环境中验证21008 收据信息是产品环境中使用,但却被发送到测试环境中验证
还有个坑是:对于订阅类的产品,验证票据需要加password字段,这个是你App Store Connect上面创建的共享密钥,把这个密钥给后端就好
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//校验productID是否合法 guard (self.currentProductId != nil && self.currentProductId!.count > 0) else { #if DEBUG SVProgressHUD.showInfo(withStatus: "1.1 商品id不合法") SVProgressHUD.dismiss(withDelay: 3.0) #endif return } //开始支付流程 startCharge()
... func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse) { productList = response.products var curProduct :SKProduct? if let tem_productList = productList { if tem_productList.count==0 { //如果商品列表为空,那么提示用户没有找到商品 if let reusltBlock = self.result{ let parameter: [String:String] = [ "state":"failed", "msg":"The product was not found","isShowAlert":"1","isShowDialog":"0"] reusltBlock(parameter) return } } ... }


if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments() { //user允许支付 if let proId = currentProductId { let requestSet = Set.init([proId]) payRequest = SKProductsRequest.init(productIdentifiers: requestSet) //设置支付请求代理 payRequest?.delegate=self payRequest?.start() } }else{ //user不允许支付 if let reusltBlock = self.result{ let parameter: [String:String] = [ "state":"failed", "msg":"The user is not allowed to make payments.", "isShowAlert":"1","isShowDialog":"0"] reusltBlock(parameter) } }


//发起内购请求失败 func request(_ request: SKRequest, didFailWithError error: Error) { print("发起内购失败,失败原因:\(error.localizedDescription)") let tem_error = error as NSError #if DEBUG SVProgressHUD.showInfo(withStatus: "2.发起内购失败,失败Domain:\(tem_error.domain),失败code: \(tem_error.code),失败描述:\(tem_error.localizedDescription),失败信息: \(tem_error.userInfo)") SVProgressHUD.dismiss(withDelay: 3.0) #endif if let reusltBlock = self.result{ let parameter: [String:String] = [ "state":"failed", "msg":"2.发起内购失败,失败Domain:\(tem_error.domain),失败code: \(tem_error.code),失败描述:\(tem_error.localizedDescription),失败信息: \(tem_error.userInfo)","isShowAlert":"1","isShowDialog":"1"] reusltBlock(parameter) } }

判断func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse)中返回的的商品id是否和发起内购商品id一致



//交易失败 func failedTransaction(transaction: SKPaymentTransaction) { let error = transaction.error as? SKError var message :String? var isShowAlert = "0"//是否显示toast var isShowDialog = "1"//是否显示Dialog if let code = error?.code { switch code { case .unknown: message = "未知错误" case .clientInvalid: message = "Client is not allowed to issue the request, etc" case .paymentCancelled: //取消 message = "User cancelled the request, etc" isShowAlert = "1" isShowDialog = "0" case .paymentInvalid: message = "Purchase identifier was invalid, etc" case .paymentNotAllowed: //设备不支持支付 message = "This device is not allowed to make the payment" isShowAlert = "1" isShowDialog = "0" case .storeProductNotAvailable: message = "Product is not available in the current storefront" case .cloudServicePermissionDenied: message = "User has not allowed access to cloud service information" case .cloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed: message = "The device could not connect to the nework" case .cloudServiceRevoked: message = "User has revoked permission to use this cloud service" case .privacyAcknowledgementRequired: message = "The user needs to acknowledge Apple's privacy policy" case .unauthorizedRequestData: message = "The app is attempting to use SKPayment's requestData property, but does not have the appropriate entitlement" case .invalidOfferIdentifier: message = "The specified subscription offer identifier is not valid" case .invalidSignature: message = "The cryptographic signature provided is not valid" case .missingOfferParams: message = "One or more parameters from SKPaymentDiscount is missing" case .invalidOfferPrice: message = "The price of the selected offer is not valid (e.g. lower than the current base subscription price)" case .overlayCancelled: message = "OverlayCancelled" case .overlayInvalidConfiguration: message = "OverlayInvalidConfiguration" case .overlayTimeout: message = "OverlayTimeout" case .ineligibleForOffer: message = "User is not eligible for the subscription offer" case .unsupportedPlatform: //平台不支持支付 message = "UnsupportedPlatform" isShowAlert = "1" isShowDialog = "0" default: message = "Default" } } #if DEBUG SVProgressHUD.showInfo(withStatus: "4.交易失败,失败原因:*****\(String(describing: message))******") SVProgressHUD.dismiss(withDelay: 3.0) #endif if let reusltBlock = self.result{ if message != nil { let parameter: [String:String] = [ "state":"failed", "msg": message ?? "","isShowAlert":isShowAlert,"isShowDialog":isShowDialog] reusltBlock(parameter) }else{ let description = transaction.error?.localizedDescription let parameter: [String:String] = [ "state":"failed", "msg": description ?? "","isShowAlert":"0","isShowDialog":"1"] reusltBlock(parameter) } } SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction) }
▿ Optional<related decl 'e' for SKErrorCode> ▿ some : related decl 'e' for SKErrorCode - _nsError : Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "发生未知错误" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=发生未知错误, NSUnderlyingError=0x281348d20 {Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "Unhandled exception" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x281349e60 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred, NSLocalizedDescription=Unhandled exception}}}
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I’ve reviewed the problem description described below. There is one possibility - which is a guess on my part as you’ve not presented any programming details. The following is something to consider. Otherwise, I need specific details on how I can replicate the issue. One other thought is that the issue might involve a bad network connection.
If the app makes the addPayment call and the result is a .failed transactionState with the localized error string as Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 “Cannot connect to iTunes Store” - the error is a generic error - something failed during the in-app purchase process. This is probably not a network connection failure.
A possible reason for this error occurring in the sandbox environment is that the Test User account has become “corrupted”. The App Store does not clear yet user accounts - instead, they will advise that the user create a new test user account to test StoreKit apps with. Try testing in the sandbox with a new test user account.
If this issue happens either in the sandbox (including App Review) or in the production environment, check to see whether the addTransactionObserver is being called from the StoreKit View Controller. The StoreKit documentation states that the addTransactionObserver call should be made at application launch time - preferably from the App Delegate - didFinishLaunchingWithOptions delegate method. If the addTransactionObserver call is made from the StoreKit ViewController, the call generates quite a bit of network traffic which can interfere with the addPayment processing which could be trigger by the user pressing the “Buy” button at the same time the transactionObserver is querying the App Store Server for queued transactions. This leads to a timing issue. The StoreKit app may work fine for several releases, then start returning this error for no apparent reason. If the issue happens in the production environment, use the following technique to get an idea as to whether this might be the cause.
A quick way to check that the transactionObserver is being called properly - install the StoreKit profile. Then capture the Console log and begin the app. (Specific instructions for installing the profile and capturing the concole log are below) When the app settles down - that is the launch screen has disappeared, and the app is at the point where in-app purchase content should be available, search the console contents for the string “inAppCheckDownloadQueue”. The string “inAppCheckDownloadQueue” should appear early in the log. To determine when the app launches, search for the string “”launch request”
The following is an example -
default 12:54:35.080163-0800 runningboardd Executing launch request for application<com.developer.app> (FBApplicationProcess)
Next search for the string “inAppCheckDownloadQueue”. The timestamp for the log statement with the string “inAppCheckDownloadQueue” - should appear shortly after the launch of the app (1 - 2 seconds). Your app may defer calling addTransactionObserver until later. What you shoud not find is the case in making a purchase, that the log statement with the string “inAppCheckDownloadQueue” appears close in time to the log statement which includes the string “inAppBuy”. Such a finding indicates that the addTransactionObserver method was called close to the user pressing the “Buy” button.
Here’s the specific instructions to install the StoreKit profile and to caprture the console log.
Install StoreKit profile to an iOS 11+ devicePlease login to the Apple Developer Bug Report - Profiles and Logs websitehttps://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/; using Safari on the device you will use to replicate the problem with.Click the “Profile” URL associated with the “App Store/iTunes Store for iOS” item. You will download the “itmsdebugging.mobileconfig” file.For iOS 12.2 or later, you will open the Settings app -> General -> Profiles & Device Management -> iTunes and App Stores Diagnostic logging -> press InstallFor devices with less than iOS 12.2, - PLEASE RESTART THE DEVICE
CAPTURE THE DEVICE CONSOLE LOG - connect the device to a macOS X Sierra system (macOS X 10.12.x or newer)
  1. Launch the Console app on the macOS system, and select the device in the left side of the Console window
  1. Before starting the iOS app, click “Clear”.
  1. Start the application and let the app settle down. Make sure to use the appropriate version of the app - sandbox or production.
Check the contents of the console log for the string “inAppCheckDownloadQueue”. This string should be present shortly after the app is launched. If the call is not present, a suspicion is that the addTransactionObserver call is being made when the StoreKit ViewController is being presented - which could lead to the occasion occurrence of the issue where a purchase attempt results in “Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”.
It might be that this is an actual bug report issue to be investigated by the App Store Server Engineering group. The following are the instructions for submitting the bug report.
To submit a bug report, please use the Apple Developer Feedback web page -
Enter the “Feedback Assistant” page and loginClick on the Compose icon to start a new bug report
Start by clicking on the appropriate OS button - “iOS and iPadOS”, “tvOS”, or “macOS”
  1. In the “Descriptive Title” field, enter an appropriate description.
  1. In the “Problem Area” field select “StoreKit”
  1. In the “Type of Feedback” select “Incorrect / Unexpected Behavior”
  1. In the “Describe the Issue” section enter the following
      • application ID (and In-App Purchase identifiers if appropriate)
      • sandbox or production environment
      • the instructions for finding the “Buy” button to purchase the In-App Purchase item.(if the app is not in English, please provide screenshots)
      • the problem description in detail.
  1. If you have captured a console log - drop it onto the “Drop Files to upload”.
Save the Feedback number and send it to me - FBxxxxxxxxxx.
Sincerely Yours,
所以正确的做法是把设置监听器放置在didFinishLaunching中。如果你有兴趣可以尝试苹果邮件推荐的capture the Console log and begin the app步骤,这是一个更精确的可以复现问题和解决问题的方法。